Xinping Hu

Xinping Hu, Ph.D.

Endowed Chair for Ecosystem Science and Modeling
Senior Leadership
Office Number
HRI 209
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Fax Number
Ph.D. Oceanography, Old Dominion University (2007)
B.S. Chemistry, Peking University (1997)

Dr. Hu joined the Harte Research Institute in September 2020 and also serves as a professor in the Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. Dr. Hu’s research focuses on a wide variety of topics that are centered on the carbon cycle science in estuarine, coastal, and oceanic environments. Using high precision water chemistry analyses, stable isotopes, as well as modeling techniques, Hu’s research examines ocean and estuarine carbon fluxes and acidification, hydrological controls on estuarine biogeochemistry, long-term changes in ocean margin carbon dioxide levels, and hypoxia-related issues in both estuaries and the coastal ocean.

As a National Science Foundation’s Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) awardee, Dr. Hu is committed to training the next generation of marine scientists, especially those from underprivileged and underrepresented backgrounds.

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