The Effects of Suspended Sediment for Caribbean Endangered Species Act and/or SCTLD Susceptible Corals
Project by Coastal Conservation & Restoration Collaborative Restoration of a Network of Oyster Broodstock Spawning Reserves Across the Mission-Aransas Estuary, Texas
Project by Coastal Conservation & Restoration Mapping and Quantification of Shallow Estuarine Habitats in Baffin Bay, TX
Project by Coastal Conservation & Restoration Measuring Shell Proteins to Understand Oyster Growth Potential and Improve Site Selection for Oyster Farms in Texas
Project by Coastal Conservation & Restoration Pre-nourishment Beach Benthic Recovery - South Padre Island
Project by Coastal Conservation & Restoration Refining Field Methods for Oyster Reef Carbon Sequestration
Project by Coastal Conservation & Restoration Developing Methods for Restoration of Cyanobacterial Mats on Wind-Tidal Flats
Project by Coastal Conservation & Restoration Survey of Oyster Populations on Nueces Bay Constructed Habitats
Project by Coastal Conservation & Restoration Improving Habitat Restoration by Replacing Plastic Mesh with Biodegradable Alternatives
Project by Coastal Conservation & Restoration Collaborative Partnerships to Support Oyster Conservation and Recovery in Texas
Project by Coastal Conservation & Restoration Oyster Surveys for the Pre-construction Engineering and Design Phase of the Matagorda Ship Channel Improvement Project, Port Lavaca, Texas
Project by Coastal Conservation & Restoration Coupled Restoration of Intertidal and Subtidal Oyster Reef to Rebuild Habitat and Fisheries